A downloadable Creator Kit

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Welcome to Magus! 

What is it you may ask? It's a jumping-off point for anyone to create simple tabletop roleplaying games using only two humble six-sided dice to create a large variety of games with an important throughline: Everyone at the table gets to be the main narrator. 

Feel free to tear apart, hack, and add to what this game is! All you need is the one-page explanation of the core of the game visible on this page. 

If you make something using Magus, please reach out on Twitter @DaemonTTRPG. I'd love to see your creation and add your content to the list of 3rd Party Collection, featured on my Itch page. 

Thank you for your interest in Magus!


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Empowered by Magus logo 89 kB
Magus Markdown.pdf 84 kB
Magus Core.md 28 kB
Magus 1 Page.pdf 7.9 MB
Magus 1 Page.png 9.3 MB

Development log